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Saturday, July 19, 2008


OK So Hubby got home last night and I got excited...no not like that....well ok I'll give ya that one...but at this moment I mean in the family friendly sense.

Alright I am either in the gutter or I need to choose my words a bit more wisely. Or both cause that didn't sound much better.

Let me try this:

Hubby called from the interstate and said come on and I did. In a screaming rush (We had to pick him up at the truck as it is WAY too big to bring to the house). So being the organized soul that I am I forgot my camera. And Popstar's camera. And my purse which had both cameras. Thank god my license is attached to my keys......wanna guess why?

HEY.... be nice....!!!!

So tomorrow we will go and take my purse and god willing (AKA Hubby will remind me...lol) I will have pics of the truck for your viewing pleasure. And so should Popstar....I can't wait.

Nope didn't happen....We didn't want to risk meltdown so drop off was quick.

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