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Friday, July 18, 2008

OH Yeah......

Hubby's comin' home tonight...Hubby's comin' home tonight!!!! Yeah!!!!! Mostly it has been a good week. I woke up yesterday in a foul mood for some reason...wrong side of the bed I guess...So I tried going back and getting out on the other side. Alas I was too late. The damage had been done. So around two I was e-mailing my sister back and forth and my little darlings mutinied. They jumped ship and headed for Aunt D's. God love her. They weren't doing anything that really bothered me but they were catching the sharp side of my temper so she saved them. It works in the end...I can watch hers so she can work- she can watch mine so I don't have too....lol.
Anyway...will post pictures of the truck after we pick up Hubby tonight!!!!!!!


dlegalsec said...

Needlessto say Gramma and Grampa are thrilled that Cindy, Patrick and all are within walking distance FINALLY!!! Though we are still missing Smooch. Maybe she will visit soon and often.


Cindy and Co. said...

Opps...She meant Boogie...We don't get them right either...lol.