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Monday, June 9, 2008

We jumped....

And I was so proud.......!! Ms. D got us started..holding hands and jumping....and M was jumping by himself.....so in true "nobody does it better" fashion...Popstar jumped.......And Pie was nice enough to run up and get my camera so I could record it for the record................(God I love these kids...)


Amy said...

A-DORABLE! Ruby is TERRIFIED of doing ANYTHING in our pool if 'anything' means not being velcro'ed to my side! But JUMPING!@ Lord woman, those are some GOOD TIMES in the pool! And, where, may I ask, IS THIS GORGEOUS POOL? And WHEN can miss Ruby & I come swimming! hehehehe I'm a FISH (water aerobics every night at the Y) but Rubes might not be as enthusiastic as your little bean clearly is! GO YOU FOR GETTIN THE VIDEO UP! I have a feeling we're in for alot of FUN VIDEO POSTS now on your blog girl! *hugs*

-Amy & Ruby Cate (who is still sound asleep as I get ready for work...)

Three Girls Sutton said...

I give popstar a "10" for form, a "10" for splash and a "10+" for the butt buster! She is so cute. Why haven't we see each other lately?
I'm out of school. Home for the summer. We gotta get the girls together so we have some good stuff to put on our blogs. You are such a great writer. All the people I know that have a wicked sense of humor are incredible writers. Wish I had your talent. Thanks for getting me into this...

DARIEN said...