Or: How my time flies...
I keep promising to update more regularly and I really intend to...Really! But the best of intentions and all that...
Anyway Christmas is of course over and New Years too. Both were a lot of fun. Lots of Family and Friends. Lots of Love and Food (I sometimes wonder if my Mom has confused the two or just expresses Love thru Food...). Christmas dinner was a triumph. And if I hadn't been so full I would have gotten off my lazy butt and posted this then...lol...The Kids were all happy with their hauls- individually and over all- I think Popstar put it best. When asked by her Sunday School Teacher (and subsequently any stranger around) what she got for Christmas, the standard answer was said on a sigh,"EVERYTHING!" So good times were had by all. Somewhere on this computer are pictures from the Christmas Pageant at our Church but I don't know where and Mom is not home. You'll have to make due with this until I can find them.
*** I just realized that this pic is over a year old....lol....***

The time is going by now though. So quickly. I'm working again. Have been since October. It's not a bad thing really. The money is good and the job is interesting. But I miss being home with the kids. Much like every other working parent in the world I guess. We are staying with Mom and Dad while we look for a house but I don't think it's going to be around here. Every time I think I can suck it up the God Forsaken JC school system fails again. I am so tired of the fools running the school district. This isn't fair to my kids. They shouldn't have to deal with this kinda crap!!!
On a lighter note Hubby is on his way back from Chicago and is bringing me authentic Chicago style Deep Dish Pizza!!!!! It (and He) should be here around 3am...*sigh*. Thank God I am a willing to eat real food for breakfast kinda girl. I'm gonna have ta share though. I can just feel it...the kids will smell the food from their cozy little beds. They're good like that.
Well that was all the Happy I can think of right now. I hope to be back soon with a more cheerful update. I just don't have it in me right now.
God be with us all.
Love ya!
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