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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dear Jesus.....UPDATED

Now I have no problem with religion. And I try to encourage my children to pray.
To that end, at the request of the Popstar, we tend to pray before dinner. Now since it is her idea we ask that she take her turn as it comes. That's why tonight I had to fight the battle to not roll out of my chair laughing. Cause I try not to mock beliefs. But when one hears:

Dear Jesus,
Bless this food. And the salt and pepper. And the ketchup, mustard, and dip dip.........

Well one must chuckle..........if only on the inside.........lol................

***Update: "We" have actually been asking God to bless the salt and pepper on a regular basis. The other condiments only if they are on the table.......Sacrilegious?? Your thoughts? She always remembers the soldiers, friends, and family members and usually the cat....can you pray "wrong" ......does it really matter? I mean really..... does God care if you ask him (Or in Popstars case Jesus) to bless seasonings? As long as the intentions are good? It's not like she's praying to the shakers or the Clover Valley folks...****

1 comment:

dlegalsec said...

She can say the prayer at my table anytime. I don't believe God or Jesus care what she blesses as long as she wants to do it.

Love you, Gramma