Welcome to our little world..Come on in and say HI while you're here.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas......

Except the no snow and the lack of houses with Christmas lights. But the gifts are purchased (Thank you Internet and UPS) and wrapped (Thank you Hubby!) and under the tree (Thank you Mom and Dad!) and soon the end of the frenzy will be upon us (Thank God!).
This year Christmas has taken on a different, better meaning for me. We joined a Church this past summer. Red Oak UMC to be exact. And it is amazing how the commercialism of the years past recedes in the face of the Christmas Story. Don't get me wrong...You can't see the base of the tree for the presents and not everything has made it out there yet. The kids will still be swamped by the rush of consumer euphoria that they are accustomed to. But this year they will have spent more time thinking of the reason we are celebrating. More time thinking of the people that are not. They have been introduced to the idea of people who have different beliefs and of people who have little or nothing to give. They have been taught the story that truly belongs to to Christmas is not T'was the Night Before Christmas but rather the tale of the morning Jesus was born. And I have had the joy of watching their eyes open. The pleasure of knowing they are learning something that will provide for and protect them. The wonder of watching our Family grow and become part of our Church Family. I never knew what that meant, nor how much. I am humbled by the love and blessed to be part of this wonderful experience. I am truly thankful this year.
It has been an amazing journey that I am grateful is not over yet.
Now if you'll excuse me....I have to go wrap presents........

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gonna try this one more time!

I changed the settings so it should publish automatically! We'll see!


I am trying to link my blog to my facebook. Wish me luck!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I have requests....

I have been asked to update this more regularly and have been given the use of a computer that does not piss me off so I will...starting next week.....be updating from the summer and into this year.

In the mean time: MEET
Moo Shu.....

More details later.......

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We interrupt this broadcast......

Hello...My name is Cindy...and I have a problem. Since admitting you have a problem is the first step to healing I am on...well...step one.

You see I have a new addiction that has consumed all of my free time and some that was not. Exactly as I predicted when I opened my FACE**BOOK account. You got it..in early Feb. But I am slowly but surely recovering my grasp on the outside world and will hopefully be back in the saddle soon.

I have a lot of catching up to do.....

Friday, February 6, 2009

Footloose and fancy free.......

*** This was actually written in February and never posted*****
Well, we spent the weekend before last with friends....no better way to spend time is known to man...or his family.......

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dear Jesus.....UPDATED

Now I have no problem with religion. And I try to encourage my children to pray.
To that end, at the request of the Popstar, we tend to pray before dinner. Now since it is her idea we ask that she take her turn as it comes. That's why tonight I had to fight the battle to not roll out of my chair laughing. Cause I try not to mock beliefs. But when one hears:

Dear Jesus,
Bless this food. And the salt and pepper. And the ketchup, mustard, and dip dip.........

Well one must chuckle..........if only on the inside.........lol................

***Update: "We" have actually been asking God to bless the salt and pepper on a regular basis. The other condiments only if they are on the table.......Sacrilegious?? Your thoughts? She always remembers the soldiers, friends, and family members and usually the cat....can you pray "wrong" ......does it really matter? I mean really..... does God care if you ask him (Or in Popstars case Jesus) to bless seasonings? As long as the intentions are good? It's not like she's praying to the shakers or the Clover Valley folks...****

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Every family has games they like to play. Well at least I assume they do cause ours does and we seem to be pretty normal. For the most part. On a good day. If no one looks too closely. But I digress as I often do.

Last night Popstar talked us in to a round of the family favorite:
Hide and Sneak.
You know that game....

The one where you turn off all the lights in the house and let your kids run pell mell through it in the dark? Then the smallest one and her helper of choice, armed with the flashlight, sneak around trying to find the hidden ones?

The one where you come to the startling realization that most of your kids and all of your pets fit in the dryer? And your husband doesn't?

The one during which, and for some unknown reason, your toddler insists that somebody may be hiding in a toilet bowl and therefore both of them must be inspected EVERY time?

The one where someone inevitably gets hurt and everyone else laughs? Till they cry?

The one where your toddler accidentally paraphrases a Tom Hanks quote and brings you to your knees at your husbands expense?

Yeah, that's the one we play alright......

Allow me to set the scene:

It was a dark and stormy night....well it was dark. Popstar and I were "sneaking" and had just finished a through perusal of the master bath toilet "just in case Mommy". As we rounded the corner into the room proper out of the silent darkness there came a noise. A horrible sound instantly recognised by all in our house.

I bit my tongue to keep from laughing in the hopes she hadn't heard it. And then hit my knees in convulsive laughter as a small voice from beyond the flash light piped up indignantly:

"Daddy, there's no farting in hide and sneak!"