We were frying a turkey no pets but our "mouse"
Dad, Hubby and I were out on the porch
Watching the water and passing the torch
When what to our wondering eyes should appear
But a small orange and white kitten...I said "No dear..."
It walked past the dog and sat atop the Tykes house
I said "no" and "I mean it" to my fascinated spouse.
"Our lease says we can't have them, we don't need the expense"
He came back at me with something that made no sense..
"Your Dad says I should learn to tell you NO"
"This is not what he meant, ask him dear...go"
As we sat down to dinner the kitten by then
Had climbed up the screen and was meowing again
So I agreed to take him far down the street
And dump him out somewhere dark and discreet.
But lo and behold I somehow became mellow
And now he is at home: Our fat fuzzy fellow:
Golly gee he is CUTE! :)
He really is a great cat. I am a dog person so I really am thankful that he lives with them and not me. Grampa and I were worried at first because he was a feral kitten and sometimes they are just mean but not this dude.
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