Welp as promised.......Drum roll please.......
But this is the view from the deck and we are allowed to trim branches at will. That's the next door neighbors house on the right.
OK Why did I just read that and think well DUH!! What.... we didn't move one in from down the street just for this picture???? Anyway they are really nice people and extended an open invite to use their dock (they were really nice before that too...) They are weekend warriors (They don't live here full time) so it's nice to have permission to play when they are not here.
This is the house on the other side. It's our landlords house (again....such nice people) and it's.....well...it's green isn't it.
This is actually a side view. The front porch is on the left side of the shot and oh my god the inside.....But the front porch has to be the best part. Big fans and comfy seats. We tend to wander over and have coffee in the morning with them. They are former drivers themselves so lots to talk about.
Well there it is...our neighborhood...lol.
Drop by if you get a chance....
PS..Rumor has it that we have a 14 point buck so old his face is turning grey and 4 or 5 does running the woods and apparently the yards around here.
Note to self...must buy deer corn and batteries for camera. The photo hunt is on. We also have a chipmunk that's lives next to our deck and birds and tree rats...err squirrels...and various neighbors dogs. It's a regular National Geographic Special out here. Wild America outside my window....God I love it here.
The house looks so peaceful sitting in the woods! Love that you have a dock and a lake?! I'll be dropping in sometime when I am in the neighborhood...
It really is so quiet...no road noise and the neighbors all go to bed early. All we really hear is bugs and water. And Popstar....cause she's never quiet!!!
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