This is Hillbilly (AKA HB).
I am not picking on him. I am not stereo-typing cause he likes to fish, and hunt, and camp, and ride four wheelers, and take his truck places a truck probably shouldn't be. It has nothing to do with the fact that you rarely see him in anything but camo hats and boots.
No I picked it because well....See the truck below? That's his truck. And it's a nice one. Popstar likes it. For that matter Popstar likes HB. But I digress....
I needed something I could easily remember so I thought long and hard about it. Two seconds later I decided I just can't run around calling him Deluxe. He's to young for me to do that to his ego. Besides even if this is the South people might wonder. So Hillbilly it is unless we have some serious objections.
However to further my case I would like to introduce some of his buddies.......
That's B on the left. I'm not sure you can tell but B had removed his hat in an attempt to cover Popstar who likes to run nekkid. Only he didn't want to look too close so he kinda missed and I had to edit anyway (note to self: Must learn blurry photo thing). Chivalry is not dead.
On the far right is Cooter. I take no responsibility for that one.....Since he came labeled that way and answers to it -well what is a girl to do? Frankly if you offered me cash money I don't think I could tell you his real name............Oh god...I really can'
Anyway onward...This is Lil' L (as she is spending the night tonight she got to pick her own nick name). She is Hillbilly's baby sister and Smooch's friend. But she's also a Clemson fan so you might not see much of her once football season starts. We don't like Clemson fans during football season but football is another post. Or two.
Lil' L loves cheer leading and was just signed up for the coming year. She also enjoys softball, swimming, and dance dance revolution (that is not a typo) and will be entering the 4th grade next year. If you can get her to put her DS down she has a wicked sense of humor. Lil' L is also the absolute pickiest eater I have ever met. I can count the foods she likes with out taking off my shoes even if they are not sandals.
Lil' L loves cheer leading and was just signed up for the coming year. She also enjoys softball, swimming, and dance dance revolution (that is not a typo) and will be entering the 4th grade next year. If you can get her to put her DS down she has a wicked sense of humor. Lil' L is also the absolute pickiest eater I have ever met. I can count the foods she likes with out taking off my shoes even if they are not sandals.
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